
Gilgit Baltistan Rural Support Programme (GBRSP) was established in 2012 under section 42 of the Companies Ordinance 1984 as a non-profit organization. GBRSP started its formal operations in 2016 after receiving an endowment fund from Government of Gilgit-Baltistan (GoGB) to supplement and complement GoGB’s long lasting efforts for development and poverty alleviation in Gilgit Baltistan.

Initially, GBRSP started its interventions from Diamer, Astore, Gilgit and Nagar Districts. However, in future GBRSP intends to expand its coverage to the remaining districts of Gilgit-Baltistan. GBRSP, since its inception, emphasizes communities to organize themselves in the form of community organizations (COs) to attain advantages of collective management. According to the prioritized needs of the communities, integrated socio-economic projects are designed and implemented in the target areas. Some areas of intervention include, infrastructure development, natural resource management, technical and vocational skill development, enterprise and value chain development etc.

In addition to the above interventions, GBRSP intends to introduce interest free microfinance programme keeping in view the vulnerability of poor, particularly women regarding availability and access to working capital. Capital can be availed through two major forms; through mobilizing savings and through accessing microcredit. Keeping this in mind, most households do try to involve in this process of development, however, it is the poor and poorest who suffer the most due to the fact of their inability to access formal financial system and services. Formal financial institutions offering services for clientele from a more economically stable background and the poor and poorest are left to manage for themselves either by borrowing from relatives or from loan sharks.

It is for these reasons that micro credit needs to be explored in order to serve the need of the poor and those living in remote rural areas. To this end, GBRSP has decided to launch a viable micro credit programme with the help of government of Gilgit Baltistan (GoGB).


GBRSP’s management initially decided to launch a test based Microcredit programme in Gilgit city and its suburbs keeping in view accessibility, supervision and its management. Eligible members of CO/VO/CEG/WDG will be entertained in the following areas.

    1. Agriculture Loan
    2. Livestock Loan
    3. Enterprise Loan
    4. Farmers Co-Operative Society Loan

GBRSP started loaning to its registered members of CO/VO/CEG/WDG in May 2020.  GBRSP also extended its loan facility to the farmer members of co-operatives societies registered under section 11 of Cooperative Societies Act, 1925 and who has signed an agreement with Economic Transformation Initiatives Gilgit-Baltistan (ETI-GB) for the development of agriculture and agriculture related activities.

Details of Loan disbursement.

A total of Rs. 14,598,500 (1.459 million) has been disbursed as yet among 824 community members of different areas under the jurisdiction of GBRSP.

S# Particulars NO of Beneficiaries
1 Mountain Woolen and Fabric Center Danyore 5
2 Rama Dehi Tanzeem 6
3 Jageer Women Development Organization Oshikhandass 5
4 Khushan Ladies Market Sonikot Gilgit 5
5 Seabuck Thorn Group I 15
6 Seabuck Thorn Group II 16
7 Kawish Seabuck Thorn 16
8 Seabuck Thorn Community I 16
9 Seabuck Thorn Matramdan 16
10 Sameen WO Danyore 6
11 Jubileeabad WO Oshikhandass 6
12 Roshnee WO Danyore 6
13 Al-Zahra WO Danyore 6
14 Al-Kausar WO Shabakihet Danyore 6
15 Aminkuz WO Sultanabad 6
Total 136
Co-Operative Socities
S# Particulars NO of Beneficiaries
1 Ideal Farmers Co-Operative Society Oshikhandass 315
2 Kashtkar Co-Operative Society Oshikhandass 198
3 Greenland Co-Operative Society Oshikhandass 175
Total 688
Total Number of Beneficiaries 824