Enterprise & Value Chain Development
The ES&GD section of GBRSP is responsible for Enterprise, Microfinance and Value Chain development. Enterprise is defined as the opportunities / resources (mostly small) that are converted into profitable businesses. A value chain is a business model that describes the full range of activities needed to create a product or service. For companies that produce goods, a value chain comprises the steps that involve bringing a product from conception to distribution, and everything in between, such as procuring raw materials, manufacturing functions, and marketing activities. And Microfinance is responsible for the financial services. Enterprise and Value Chain go hand in hand and Microfinance provide the funding to the different projects.
For the value chain and enterprise there are set of steps or procedures defined by the organization. These steps are involved in every ES&GD project.
The following are the steps or procedures defined by GBRSP:
Formation of CEGs
Community Enterprise Group or CEGs are the community members who are selected for the project. A criterion is defined by the GBRSP for the CEGs. The people interested in becoming the CEGs must full fill the demands of the criteria. They are divided into groups with an average of 15 members in a group.
Market Linkages
When the whole process (explained previously) is completed, production of the different products starts. When the products are finalized from the production, they make their way to the market. Here CEGs can sell their product directly to local Market or they can place it in GBRSP Product Gallery for Marketting or exibition.