Community Development

The Gilgit-Baltistan Rural Support Programme (GBRSP) approach for community development is through social mobilization. As the mission of the organization is to improve the quality of life of local communities by reducing poverty. Reduction in poverty is possible through active and effective participation of communities in development activities by strengthening Community Owned Institutions / Organizations for socio-economic upliftment at local level. We trust that success and sustainability of the Programme depends entirely on quality of social mobilization.

We consider that local people know best about their development needs and that, in partnership with GBRSP, they have the capacity and willingness to plan and implement local development intervention. Mobilized communities are considered as platforms for local development, helping to bring together communities, knowledge and resources. In our support to the Community Organizations we offer capacity building programmes and awareness raising sessions to the community activists (Men and Women) and other office bearers. Additionally, GBRSP offers training on vocational skills, micro-level enterprises, physical infrastructure development, and natural resource management. Awareness of women’s rights, and their right to participate in local development, is integral to our work with community members.

We also help people to find the required resources to meet their identified needs. The purpose is to break the cycle of poverty, both economic and poverty of opportunity. When community members come together for a common purpose then they are in a stronger position to bring about sustainable improvements in the quality of their lives. Therefore, GBRSP will mobilize communities to form organizations where needed in unattended pockets of GB.

Under the social mobilization approach, GBRSP will emphasize on the following aspects;

  • Efforts will be made for the capacity building of members of Community Organizations in various disciplines like organizational management, financial management and record keeping etc.
  • Encourage the equal participation of village members in the decision making regarding best utilization of local resources.
  • Ensure membership of households in Community Organizations.
  • Strengthen coordination with relevant stakeholders and Government Line Departments.

Capacity building of civil society institutions for inclusion of vulnerable and differently abled segments of society.